Roja Elysium Pour Homme

In the heart of a sun-kissed paradise, imagine a symphony of sweet blossoms, vibrant fruits, sensual musks and earthy woods. Each note is a testament to the multifaceted strength of a woman and intertwines to create a fragrance that is a celebration of female resilience and empowerment.  Elysium leaves a trail of power that resonates with the essence of a woman who stands tall, embraces her journey, and flourishes in the paradise she has created entirely of her own doing.

“People who know our creations will know the word Elysium. I had to think: “what might paradise feel like for a woman”? I imagined a world filled with an abundance of colourful fruits and flowers full of nectar. Bright and uplifting, she becomes the perfect partner to the original Elysium Pour Homme”.   -  Perfumer Roja Dove
