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Interview with life coach and clinical psychologist Nathalie Sader

The Awakened Goddess Detox is a heart-centered guide to detoxing your mind, body, and soul.

A life coach, vegan chef, and clinical psychologist, Nathalie Sader was always passionate about health, food, and personal fulfillment. Born and raised in Lebanon, the author of The Awakened Goddess Detox has always felt it was her mission to empower women to awaken the goddess within and love themselves unconditionally. Through healing their relationship with food and eating delicious nutritious meals, creating a high-vibration lifestyle, and finding their true calling in life, women can feel confident and look fabulous!

Nathalie is our guest today at Dunes Magazine, where she speaks about the spiritual energy of healthy food and her journey to becoming a life and health coach. She also reveals more secrets about her private life and her hit book.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a clinical psychologist, life coach, and author of The Awakened Goddess Detox, released in 2020. I have an artistic side expressed in self-taught photography and designing my dress line, The Awakened Goddess Dress (California, 2019). I was born and raised in Lebanon. In 2010, I moved to the U.S., where I got married, had my two daughters and began my awakening and transformation journey.

I founded my company, “Awakened Goddess,” in 2016 to empower women and guide them to tap into the power of their inner goddess and rejoice in their femininity through mastering self-love and healthy and delicious eating. I offer online and in-person customized coaching programs.

We moved from Los Angeles to Doha in September 2019 and are very excited to be living in this beautiful city.

How did you decide to become a health coach?

In 2009, I earned a master’s degree in clinical psychology, though I started my career as a clinical psychologist in Lebanon in 2005. After moving to the U.S., my curiosity about human wellbeing grew stronger and deeper and took a new turn. I wanted my approach to be more holistic. I developed a passion for nutrition, and I wanted to study how food affects us physically and emotionally. My friends started turning to me for nutrition guidance, and they got great results. A thought suddenly came to mind: Why not get certified and help people on a bigger scale?

What are the steps you took to become a health coach? Did you have formal education or any training in that field?

After a long and thorough period of research, I chose The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. The school offers online learning, which was very convenient for me as a new mom. I was able to study while nursing my baby. Women are so great at multitasking, aren’t they?

I made that decision because this school is truly the best at offering a rigorous health and wellness curriculum and training its students with transformational coaching skills and effective business tools so that they can have an impact on their clients’ lives.

After 12 intensive months, I gained certification as an integrative nutrition coach. That means I not only coach people on what to eat, but my guidance goes beyond the food on their plate and touches all areas of their lives.

Could you tell us more about your hit book, The Awakened Goodness Detox?

The Awakened Goddess Detox goes beyond the usual food detox that solely focuses on what to eat and not to eat to help your body get rid of toxins. This book is a heart-centered guide to detoxing the body, mind, and soul. It is based on a self-love approach where women are inspired to accept who they are unconditionally so they can manifest the beautiful body and life they deserve.

My philosophy for the concept of detox is: Letting go of what no longer serves the life you want to create, be it food, thoughts, relationships, habits, or emotions. This book focuses on recreating a healthier relationship between women and their bodies allowing them to make peace with their food by awakening the goddess within.

The book is in three parts:

1- Part 1: Create your beautiful body and life. In this part, I share my story and some of my clients’ stories to show women how they can create the body and life they want with the goddess's rituals that are based on love and abundance, instead of fear and deprivation.

2- Part 2: The eight practices for awakening the goddess. In this part, I offer practical tools on how to love and recreate yourself from a place of compassion and empowerment.

3- Part 3: The 7-day protocol. This part is about the actual food detox with breakfast, lunch and dinner, and two snacks every day. A question-and-answer section, a shopping list, ingredients, and substitutions lists are provided to make this detox easy and simple.

So, as you see, my approach to detoxing is a comprehensive, holistic one that touches not only the body but the mind and soul to make this experience transformative and, most importantly, sustainable.

What inspired you to write it?

I was inspired by the rise of women, who want to take care of their whole selves, not only their physical bodies, and who are craving self-love after so many years of hating themselves. I also wanted to create something sustainable, not just a quick fix where you lose a couple of pounds only to regain them again a month later.

Another reason is the urge to see us make peace with our food, which unfortunately has become a source of fear and confusion. I want women to be free, love who they are while working on what they want to achieve. I want women to awaken their real power because the world needs us now more than ever.

What is your advice for people seeking a healthy lifestyle, and how will they benefit from your book?

A part from reading my book, my first advice to people is to be patient with themselves. Quick fixes do not work in the long run. If you want to break the cycle of an unhealthy lifestyle, you must not take shortcuts. Just be patient and love yourself as you are because if you don’t, no amount of change you achieve will ever be enough. Take care of your body, mind, and soul equally. Eat high vibrational food, think positive thoughts, practice uplifting rituals, move your body in a pleasurable way, sleep well, breathe deeply, meditate, and much more. All of these are covered in detail in my book.

Where can we find the book, and is there a digital version of it?

The book is available in print and e-Book formats on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and more. It is also available in a pdf format on my website

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